Mercy For Animals

Case Study

About the client

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to advocating for animal rights, preventing cruelty in the agricultural industry through investigations
and legislative initiatives, and promoting plant based diets as a sustainable and compassionate alternative. Their work has brought positive changes in corporate practices and government policies, contributing to a global
movement for animal welfare.


Animal Welfare

Revenue (USD)


Head Count


Countries Of Operation



The client seeks to enhance the efficiency and impact of its email marketing campaigns, predominantly funded by donations. The project centers around monitoring and improving campaign performance by analyzing key metrics such as Click-through Rate (CTR), Total Volume of Emails Sent, and Bounce Rates, expanding their outreach to supporters and potential donors.


The organization lacked a dedicated Business Intelligence (BI) platform and instead relied on manual data entry into Excel sheets for visualizations, which proved to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive
process. This workflow inefficiency stemmed from the need to manually input data into spreadsheets and then utilize Excel’s functions to generate various charts.


Diacto consultants played a pivotal role in transforming and automating our client’s data processes. By leveraging Diacto’s expertise, the client successfully transitioned from a manual data entry system in Excel to a
more efficient and automated solution. Diacto introduced tools and techniques for data transformation and visualizations, enhancing data analysis capabilities. The Marketing team was empowered to track campaign performance and donation outcomes with ease. The KPIs
integrated into the dashboard not only streamlined the decision-making process but also facilitated data-driven evaluations of campaign success.


The implemented solution significantly impacted the organization, specifically the Marketing team, by providing a robust Campaign dashboard. This dashboard allowed them to closely monitor the performance of each campaign through a set of key performance indicators (KPIs). As a result, the team gained the capacity to make data-driven decisions regarding the continuation or discontinuation of campaigns based on their actual performance leading them to assess campaign effectiveness in real-time with improved resource allocation and a better strategic approach to marketing efforts, ultimately improving the organization’s overall operational efficiency.